Last night was one of the most terrifying nights of my life. I was in the same situation I feared to be in for years now. The last time I was in that scene was around 5 years ago when I had to face someone who was about to lose everything she had invested for years. Last night was no different. I faced a friend in front of the man whom I shall say would draw the end of her story. We had a long talk and it was an opportunity for us to make a good closure for this is something really big for her so she can easily move on. I say closure for the issue but a new beginning for the two of us. She will no longer have to call me by my title but I think this will take a little time til it diminishes from her system. Fast forward, with humility she admitted what she had done and bravely faced the consequences she has to face at that young age but this is how she'll learn and I am proud for her boldness. God was with her and she was guided and protected all throughout the entire talk.
After she gave her last word, we went in one corner of the room and we whispered a prayer to God and I am so relieved of what the end was. HIS presence is with us when we were talking. There was no hurt, only love. There was no condemnation, only forgiveness. There was no ending, only a new journey. I just thank the Lord for being faithful to His promises and He is the stickiest Being that binds that friendship.
I love you Lord and I lift my voice to You so the whole world will know how WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL You are in our lives.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
[Blog] I am not alone
Alone is such a lonely word but a person can be alone but not necessarily lonely. Contrary to what people think it is, being alone is happiness to some people. Why? For they can do anything they want. I personally am a bubbly individual who has anxiety once separated from people that matters to me. I joke at myself a lot and tell people that I cannot stand being silent for just a minute or it’s like a suicidal attempt for me. One day, I was on a long queue (I was in a government office) so I know that I would need something to do to let time fly by so easily. I thought of reading something then when page flipping is done, I’m gonna find something else and when everything has been exhausted, there I start talking to people I don’t even know. LOL! That was fun but for some, ‘twas weird for them.
During the dark times of my life, I always find myself alone in the end. I even wondered why people have so many friends even if I was there then all of a sudden, I would feel alone. In a dark place like that, all you need to have is to light the way with something and a cane to feel the ground for safety. In our dark times, that light and the cane I am talking about is GOD. It’s a nice feeling to see that you have a bright light that shines your way so you’d be safe on your way there. You'd feel so secured when you know that the cane gives you the signal if it is safe to step or not. The light and the cane – GOD– serve as my guide to get through the darkest days of our lives. Let us also allow Him to still serve as such even if we are already in the light for we want Him to hold our hands as we walk with Him and not distracted for what is there in our left and right side.
I may seem to be alone in this life for people but God is with me, walking with me and it is only by faith that we can walk victoriously with God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
During the dark times of my life, I always find myself alone in the end. I even wondered why people have so many friends even if I was there then all of a sudden, I would feel alone. In a dark place like that, all you need to have is to light the way with something and a cane to feel the ground for safety. In our dark times, that light and the cane I am talking about is GOD. It’s a nice feeling to see that you have a bright light that shines your way so you’d be safe on your way there. You'd feel so secured when you know that the cane gives you the signal if it is safe to step or not. The light and the cane – GOD– serve as my guide to get through the darkest days of our lives. Let us also allow Him to still serve as such even if we are already in the light for we want Him to hold our hands as we walk with Him and not distracted for what is there in our left and right side.
I may seem to be alone in this life for people but God is with me, walking with me and it is only by faith that we can walk victoriously with God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
[Blog] I am not alone
Alone is such a lonely word but a person can be alone but not necessarily lonely. Contrary to what people think it is, being alone is happiness to some people. Why? For they can do anything they want. I personally am a bubbly individual who has anxiety once separated from people that matters to me. I joke at myself a lot and tell people that I cannot stand being silent for just a minute or it’s like a suicidal attempt for me. One day, I was on a long queue (I was in a government office) so I know that I would need something to do to let time fly by so easily. I thought of reading something then when page flipping is done, I’m gonna find something else and when everything has been exhausted, there I start talking to people I don’t even know. LOL! That was fun but for some, ‘twas weird for them.
During the dark times of my life, I always find myself alone in the end. I even wondered why friends have so many friends even if I was there then all of a sudden, I would feel alone. In a dark place like that, all you need to have is to light the way with something and a cane to feel the ground for safety. In our dark times, that light and the cane I am talking about is GOD. It’s a nice feeling to see that you have a bright light that shines your way so you’d be safe on your way there. I feel so secured when know that the cane gives me a signal when it is or it is not the right spot to step at. The light and the cane – GOD– serve as my guide to get through the darkest days of our lives. Let us also allow Him to still serve as such even if we are already in the light for we want Him to hold our hands as we walk with Him and not return to the dark side anymore.
I may seem to be alone in this life for people but God is with me, walking with me and it is only by faith that we can walk victoriously with God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
During the dark times of my life, I always find myself alone in the end. I even wondered why friends have so many friends even if I was there then all of a sudden, I would feel alone. In a dark place like that, all you need to have is to light the way with something and a cane to feel the ground for safety. In our dark times, that light and the cane I am talking about is GOD. It’s a nice feeling to see that you have a bright light that shines your way so you’d be safe on your way there. I feel so secured when know that the cane gives me a signal when it is or it is not the right spot to step at. The light and the cane – GOD– serve as my guide to get through the darkest days of our lives. Let us also allow Him to still serve as such even if we are already in the light for we want Him to hold our hands as we walk with Him and not return to the dark side anymore.
I may seem to be alone in this life for people but God is with me, walking with me and it is only by faith that we can walk victoriously with God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
[Blog] Are you HAPPY?
Many of us, if not all, have the desire to be happy. Who wouldn’t want to be happy? However, the question is, when can we say that we are happy? How can we say that we are already happy? What or who makes us happy? What then can make people happy? According to an online dictionary, Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. WOW! What an intense definition! I can feel the adrenalin rush its definition is saying about the word itself. Is this the main reason why we are in pursuit of it? For adrenalin rush? Or we don’t know either why are we in pursuit of it?
Some people find happiness and excitement when they find new gadgets. This is so true with guys that even if they become old, they still leave a child heart in them through the devices that they play with from Nintendo to PSP to PSP2 to PSP3 to what else? See, I don’t even know what’s next! Boys will always be boys. Some people find happiness in shopping. Oh yeah! Women are most likely the ones who find happiness in doing this. They even say that shopping is a form of exercise. What an expensive activity! No matter how much time they will put to waste, no matter how long the lines are in a mall sale, women will show strength in standing and brushing the alleys and walkways just to get their favorite items. Some people find happiness in reading books. According to a certain online article, it says “Reading is the best thing we can do for ourselves and each other. Readers are active participants in the world around Not only does it enrich our lives, but it can enrich the world around us. Readers are active participants in the world around them, and that is the best kind of person to be." It’s like books are their phenylephylamine that is the same hormone the brain triggers when you fall in love. They find serenity, pleasure and happiness rolled in one when they read books.
Some find happiness in relationships. People often say “I love him/her for he/she completes me.” LOL! How can someone complete another one? I once told a friend what if he/she completes that emptiness in you but you don’t in him/her, how can they say that they are complete? Should they find it elsewhere? This is very dangerous that people often find themselves broken hearted and alone in the end. Some people find happiness in money for money can buy all the things that were mentioned just few sentences ago. If you noticed in the aforementioned sources of happiness, these are just material things that some people may find very shallow. DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that these people are shallow but I am really curious, what makes somebody say that they are happy?
These things shall pass one way or another but what lasts is the feeling that it brought to one person – happiness. This is something that cannot be taken away from us but how would you know that it is real happiness that they felt? The last example I mentioned is money. Indeed, money can buy anything these days that made people say that it is the root of all evil. Who does not want money? We all want it but possession of it is not evil. God allowed men to come up with the idea of having money to be used for trade, payment and the like but is that really the root of all evil? As mentioned in 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” It is the LOVE FOR MONEY that causes the evil in us. God also told us to “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” [Hebrews 13:5] Living a modest and simple life does not mean that we do not want nor should not have money but God simply asks us to be free from the love of money for He knows that it will not do us no good. Everything that we have (work, money, et. al.) came from God and He gave these as gifts to fulfill our needs. He said “Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.” [Ecclesiastes 5:19] That gift brings happiness in us.
Let’s check another one – relationships. People say that they are happy for they have found their better half and that someone completes them. What if you started at the wrong foot? Just recently, one of my friends became single because her boyfriend of six years is now the boyfriend of her best bud in the office. This woman once said to me that she loves this man and that he makes her happy. She perhaps felt that she is complete with his existence in her life. Maybe or maybe not for I did not bother to ask the question but is it really happiness? I know that she is happy but her face does not show this at all for it is said in the Scripture that “A happy heart makes the face cheerful…” [Proverbs 15:13a]. Why do I feel like she is not? Is she just faking it or is just proving a point that people cannot bring her down? On the other end of the story is her friend who also has the other half of the verse and it says: “…but heartache crushes the spirit.” [Proverbs 15:13b]. Though her spirit was not crushed, I can see in her face that she has a broken heart. On the other hand, people tend to put their partners in pedestal like god for they do nothing without them; they are nothing without them; they are just nothing. This is what God does not want to happen for He is a jealous God. [Exodus 20:5a] So where is happiness?
What if our happiness is threatened by outside forces in the form of trials and challenges? Can this feeling of happiness get through it alone? Can happiness alone withstand the pain of suffering, life’s trials and challenges? It is true that it’s hard to stand in a non-sturdy ground that makes you second guess yourselves. God wants us to finish the race strong with happiness in our hearts for it is said in James 1:2 – 4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This is God’s promise that we should find happiness in everything that we do and perhaps, what we have for one day, we will be under the storm and God wants us to be successful in overcoming these trials by finding happiness in it.
Again, where’s happiness? It can only be found in the hearts of those who have God and who allows God to maneuver their lives. Being human is not easy because we wrestle the truth that God is the only One who can make things work for us. The sustainable joy and happiness can only be found in GOD. And it was said: “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.” [Ecclesiastes 7:14] So am I happy in spite and despite of the fact that good and bad things can happen to me? YES for God will never leave nor forsake me. I hope you are too.
Some people find happiness and excitement when they find new gadgets. This is so true with guys that even if they become old, they still leave a child heart in them through the devices that they play with from Nintendo to PSP to PSP2 to PSP3 to what else? See, I don’t even know what’s next! Boys will always be boys. Some people find happiness in shopping. Oh yeah! Women are most likely the ones who find happiness in doing this. They even say that shopping is a form of exercise. What an expensive activity! No matter how much time they will put to waste, no matter how long the lines are in a mall sale, women will show strength in standing and brushing the alleys and walkways just to get their favorite items. Some people find happiness in reading books. According to a certain online article, it says “Reading is the best thing we can do for ourselves and each other. Readers are active participants in the world around Not only does it enrich our lives, but it can enrich the world around us. Readers are active participants in the world around them, and that is the best kind of person to be." It’s like books are their phenylephylamine that is the same hormone the brain triggers when you fall in love. They find serenity, pleasure and happiness rolled in one when they read books.
Some find happiness in relationships. People often say “I love him/her for he/she completes me.” LOL! How can someone complete another one? I once told a friend what if he/she completes that emptiness in you but you don’t in him/her, how can they say that they are complete? Should they find it elsewhere? This is very dangerous that people often find themselves broken hearted and alone in the end. Some people find happiness in money for money can buy all the things that were mentioned just few sentences ago. If you noticed in the aforementioned sources of happiness, these are just material things that some people may find very shallow. DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that these people are shallow but I am really curious, what makes somebody say that they are happy?
These things shall pass one way or another but what lasts is the feeling that it brought to one person – happiness. This is something that cannot be taken away from us but how would you know that it is real happiness that they felt? The last example I mentioned is money. Indeed, money can buy anything these days that made people say that it is the root of all evil. Who does not want money? We all want it but possession of it is not evil. God allowed men to come up with the idea of having money to be used for trade, payment and the like but is that really the root of all evil? As mentioned in 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” It is the LOVE FOR MONEY that causes the evil in us. God also told us to “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” [Hebrews 13:5] Living a modest and simple life does not mean that we do not want nor should not have money but God simply asks us to be free from the love of money for He knows that it will not do us no good. Everything that we have (work, money, et. al.) came from God and He gave these as gifts to fulfill our needs. He said “Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.” [Ecclesiastes 5:19] That gift brings happiness in us.
Let’s check another one – relationships. People say that they are happy for they have found their better half and that someone completes them. What if you started at the wrong foot? Just recently, one of my friends became single because her boyfriend of six years is now the boyfriend of her best bud in the office. This woman once said to me that she loves this man and that he makes her happy. She perhaps felt that she is complete with his existence in her life. Maybe or maybe not for I did not bother to ask the question but is it really happiness? I know that she is happy but her face does not show this at all for it is said in the Scripture that “A happy heart makes the face cheerful…” [Proverbs 15:13a]. Why do I feel like she is not? Is she just faking it or is just proving a point that people cannot bring her down? On the other end of the story is her friend who also has the other half of the verse and it says: “…but heartache crushes the spirit.” [Proverbs 15:13b]. Though her spirit was not crushed, I can see in her face that she has a broken heart. On the other hand, people tend to put their partners in pedestal like god for they do nothing without them; they are nothing without them; they are just nothing. This is what God does not want to happen for He is a jealous God. [Exodus 20:5a] So where is happiness?
What if our happiness is threatened by outside forces in the form of trials and challenges? Can this feeling of happiness get through it alone? Can happiness alone withstand the pain of suffering, life’s trials and challenges? It is true that it’s hard to stand in a non-sturdy ground that makes you second guess yourselves. God wants us to finish the race strong with happiness in our hearts for it is said in James 1:2 – 4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This is God’s promise that we should find happiness in everything that we do and perhaps, what we have for one day, we will be under the storm and God wants us to be successful in overcoming these trials by finding happiness in it.
Again, where’s happiness? It can only be found in the hearts of those who have God and who allows God to maneuver their lives. Being human is not easy because we wrestle the truth that God is the only One who can make things work for us. The sustainable joy and happiness can only be found in GOD. And it was said: “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.” [Ecclesiastes 7:14] So am I happy in spite and despite of the fact that good and bad things can happen to me? YES for God will never leave nor forsake me. I hope you are too.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
[Blog] Answered Prayer
I am at awe on how fast God answers prayers! As said in the Scriptures, in James 4:3 "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." God knows how much I would want to have my own laptop and He used Tony to make this happen. He answered my prayers!!! I will have plenty of time to blog about Him and possibly compose new poems and even songs... God will be my guide for that.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
[Blog] Forgive and Forget
Amidst everything that is happening these days, I lift everything up to God that He will change the hearts of these people to fulfill the command that He said in the Scripture --- "Love one another as I [Jesus] have loved you." People were hurt, are hurting and maybe will continue to be hurt and be at that state until they step out IN FAITH saying that they will FORGIVE, MOVE ON and let GOD make His way into their hearts. I am hurt that seeds of division are planted in their hearts but I am sure that God is even more hurt seeing His children not loving and forgiving each other. FORGIVENESS is ALWAYS a conscious effort and decision to do when we say that we love God.
Let me just share some points about FORGIVENESS in the recently concluded T4V in VCF Pioneer on what the Bible says about Forgiveness.
(1) Forgiveness is our DUTY and there are no limitations on how we should forgive or how many times. Forgiveness is our duty because without it, there's a root of bitterness that will grow in us that will cause trouble to a lot of people [Hebrews 12:15]
(2) There are no limitations on who we should forgive or how many times. It is mentioned in the Bible that we must forgive our brothers and sisters not seven times but seventy-seven times. [MATT 18:21-22] It's so easy to count the number of times we have forgiven someone who had oppressed us but have we thought of counting the number of times we have been forgiven by Our God? Who are you to count them as you do this for your brothers or sisters?
(3) If we do not forgive, we will not be forgiven. The Bible said in Mark 11:25 that: "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
Yes, it's so hard to forgive the people who hurt us and it's our natural tendency to revenge but God promised that He will avenge for us and will curse those who have cursed us. He also instructed us not to revenge but leave room for God's wrath. [Romans 12:19] You may say that you know these already and the nitty-gritty of this word but why do we actually do this? We do this because this is exactly what Jesus did for us and even was sent here by God the Father to wash away our sins. Also, since we are claiming that we have Christ in our hearts, we must forgive because God has forgiven us in Christ! Need I say more about forgiveness?
Many of you might ask how we forgive from the heart. According to the T4V as well, the following are the steps:
(1) Acknowledge the hurt.
(2) Resolve to forgive.
(3) Pray to release forgiveness to those who have hurt you and release blessings in their lives
Many of us got stuck on the 1st step that's why we cannot release forgiveness in our heart. There are two more steps and it takes FAITH in GOD to move to the next one. We must start and finish this strong so we’ll have peace in our hearts. Many of you might react: "WHAT?!? She already hurt me, I forgave her and now I am blessing her?!? No way!" --> This mentality is so wrong! The title of this blog is "FORGIVE and FORGET" and a lot of us are guilty of just doing one of these two words. This is not alien to me because at one point in time, I chose one and did not mind the other one then I say I moved on. NO! You cannot forgive if you have not forgotten what she did as well as you cannot forget is you do not forgive. It's hard to forget but pray that God takes it away from your heart. When we resist to forgive and forget, our hearts harden thus it becomes stone in the process but the Lord said "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." [Ezekiel 36:26] You cannot say that you have moved on but say that you do not forget. You SHOULD and MUST forget once you release forgiveness from your heart.
Sigh… I am just sad with the sight of these things happening within my yard and I am accountable to God that I will guide them properly and will enlighten them as they go through this battle and come out victorious still after the storm. Today, make that conscious decision. You will put this issue to rest; leave them alone and let them do their thing; cry out loud for one last time; stop pointing fingers to who is at fault and who we think is the victim. REMEMBER: If you point your finger to someone, the other 4 are pointing back at you. PRAY for forgiveness and compassion and LET GOD ARISE in the middle of this turmoil.
Let me just share some points about FORGIVENESS in the recently concluded T4V in VCF Pioneer on what the Bible says about Forgiveness.
(1) Forgiveness is our DUTY and there are no limitations on how we should forgive or how many times. Forgiveness is our duty because without it, there's a root of bitterness that will grow in us that will cause trouble to a lot of people [Hebrews 12:15]
(2) There are no limitations on who we should forgive or how many times. It is mentioned in the Bible that we must forgive our brothers and sisters not seven times but seventy-seven times. [MATT 18:21-22] It's so easy to count the number of times we have forgiven someone who had oppressed us but have we thought of counting the number of times we have been forgiven by Our God? Who are you to count them as you do this for your brothers or sisters?
(3) If we do not forgive, we will not be forgiven. The Bible said in Mark 11:25 that: "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
Yes, it's so hard to forgive the people who hurt us and it's our natural tendency to revenge but God promised that He will avenge for us and will curse those who have cursed us. He also instructed us not to revenge but leave room for God's wrath. [Romans 12:19] You may say that you know these already and the nitty-gritty of this word but why do we actually do this? We do this because this is exactly what Jesus did for us and even was sent here by God the Father to wash away our sins. Also, since we are claiming that we have Christ in our hearts, we must forgive because God has forgiven us in Christ! Need I say more about forgiveness?
Many of you might ask how we forgive from the heart. According to the T4V as well, the following are the steps:
(1) Acknowledge the hurt.
(2) Resolve to forgive.
(3) Pray to release forgiveness to those who have hurt you and release blessings in their lives
Many of us got stuck on the 1st step that's why we cannot release forgiveness in our heart. There are two more steps and it takes FAITH in GOD to move to the next one. We must start and finish this strong so we’ll have peace in our hearts. Many of you might react: "WHAT?!? She already hurt me, I forgave her and now I am blessing her?!? No way!" --> This mentality is so wrong! The title of this blog is "FORGIVE and FORGET" and a lot of us are guilty of just doing one of these two words. This is not alien to me because at one point in time, I chose one and did not mind the other one then I say I moved on. NO! You cannot forgive if you have not forgotten what she did as well as you cannot forget is you do not forgive. It's hard to forget but pray that God takes it away from your heart. When we resist to forgive and forget, our hearts harden thus it becomes stone in the process but the Lord said "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." [Ezekiel 36:26] You cannot say that you have moved on but say that you do not forget. You SHOULD and MUST forget once you release forgiveness from your heart.
Sigh… I am just sad with the sight of these things happening within my yard and I am accountable to God that I will guide them properly and will enlighten them as they go through this battle and come out victorious still after the storm. Today, make that conscious decision. You will put this issue to rest; leave them alone and let them do their thing; cry out loud for one last time; stop pointing fingers to who is at fault and who we think is the victim. REMEMBER: If you point your finger to someone, the other 4 are pointing back at you. PRAY for forgiveness and compassion and LET GOD ARISE in the middle of this turmoil.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Your Great Name
Your Great Name
[Verse 1:]
Lost are saved; find their way; at the sound of your great name
All condemned; feel no shame, at the sound of your great name
Every fear; has no place; at the sound of your great name
The enemy; he has to leave; at the sound of your great name
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
[Verse 2:]
All the weak; find their strength; at the sound of your great name
Hungry souls; receive grace; at the sound of your great name
The fatherless; they find their rest; at the sound of your great name
Sick are healed; and the dead are raised; at the sound of your great name
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
Redeemer, My Healer, Almighty
My savior, Defender, You are My King
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
Let's bow down to the One who has the GREATEST NAME of all - GOD!
[Verse 1:]
Lost are saved; find their way; at the sound of your great name
All condemned; feel no shame, at the sound of your great name
Every fear; has no place; at the sound of your great name
The enemy; he has to leave; at the sound of your great name
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
[Verse 2:]
All the weak; find their strength; at the sound of your great name
Hungry souls; receive grace; at the sound of your great name
The fatherless; they find their rest; at the sound of your great name
Sick are healed; and the dead are raised; at the sound of your great name
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
Redeemer, My Healer, Almighty
My savior, Defender, You are My King
Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up; that all the world will praise your great name
Let's bow down to the One who has the GREATEST NAME of all - GOD!
Monday, April 4, 2011
[Blog] Steadfast Love
Last Sunday, I heard a very old Christian song that the long time Christians have been singing like forever and it talks about the steadfast love of the Lord that no matter what we have gone through or what are the choices we make, His love will be there unshaken and steady. This is a hymnal song by the Maranatha Music and I want you all to be blessed as the song is:
As we gather may Your Spirit work within us
As we gather may we glorify Your name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
We'll be blessed because we came
We'll be blessed because we came
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
New every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord
Lord, You are the author of everything in this world and I am so happy to know that I am serving a God of love, grace and mercy. You renew these everyday so that we may receive a new thing from You. Forgive me for I shortchange you with a lot of things. Lord, thank you for assuring us that we have a God that we can lean to and we can trust every word You say. I am forever thankful of you my God!
As we gather may Your Spirit work within us
As we gather may we glorify Your name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
We'll be blessed because we came
We'll be blessed because we came
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
New every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord
Lord, You are the author of everything in this world and I am so happy to know that I am serving a God of love, grace and mercy. You renew these everyday so that we may receive a new thing from You. Forgive me for I shortchange you with a lot of things. Lord, thank you for assuring us that we have a God that we can lean to and we can trust every word You say. I am forever thankful of you my God!
[Poem] My Lord, My God
I stopped and fell on my knees
I cried out God hear me please
I feel that I am in disdain
Not worthy to be heard all of my pain.
Are you there?
Oh God are you there?
Do you have time for people like me
Who only thinks of what matters for me?
My Lord I kneel in your presence
For people told me of your absence
Specially when things gone out of hand
And when I do things all with my hand.
Then you beamed a blinding light on to me
So I look up and listen to be told by Thee
To made it known unto me
That this indeed is a very special day You've made for me.
You said to me, I am the Lord of forever
The Lord who promised to be and walk with you
You said You got my back no matter what
That I just have to trust and hold Your hand.
You said You will not leave nor forsake me
That You won't condemn nor forget me
That You are my portion and my wholeness
That You are willing and able to love me with your kindness.
Oh Lord what have I done,
That I did not trust the sturdiness of Your hand
That You can bring me to places I only dream of
To fulfill the destiny You have made me of.
Lord I reach my hand out to You
And forgive me for what I have done onto You
You said, "My child hush now
Come to me and I will give you rest now."
I cried out God hear me please
I feel that I am in disdain
Not worthy to be heard all of my pain.
Are you there?
Oh God are you there?
Do you have time for people like me
Who only thinks of what matters for me?
My Lord I kneel in your presence
For people told me of your absence
Specially when things gone out of hand
And when I do things all with my hand.
Then you beamed a blinding light on to me
So I look up and listen to be told by Thee
To made it known unto me
That this indeed is a very special day You've made for me.
You said to me, I am the Lord of forever
The Lord who promised to be and walk with you
You said You got my back no matter what
That I just have to trust and hold Your hand.
You said You will not leave nor forsake me
That You won't condemn nor forget me
That You are my portion and my wholeness
That You are willing and able to love me with your kindness.
Oh Lord what have I done,
That I did not trust the sturdiness of Your hand
That You can bring me to places I only dream of
To fulfill the destiny You have made me of.
Lord I reach my hand out to You
And forgive me for what I have done onto You
You said, "My child hush now
Come to me and I will give you rest now."
[Blog] GO and sin no more
These words may sound very powerful and authoritative but don't we find it good to live a sinless life?
In the last installment of our current series, TURNING POINT, there was a clear instruction from God to all of us - GO AND SIN NO MORE. This is a story of a woman caught in the act of adultery. It got me to think, how does it feel to be the woman being put to shame in front of a lot of people? How does the crowd react to this? How will I react to it if I were part of the crowd? I would say, it would have been a very gruesome sight and an ignominious feeling for the woman --- as if she was walking naked.
I asked myself then, were there times that I felt like people were talking about me it may be I was around or not? A LOT OF TIMES. Last year, I confessed to a dear friend that I got involved with her partner during the rocky times of their relationship. After this, she disowned me as her friend and started gossiping about me and what happened. I thought that the effect of me being open to her about what happened would lighten my offense to her but I was wrong. For months, I had to bear the "looks" and the "talks" about me but I did not care. I told myself, it'll pass and I will be vindicated. Time passed and the talks were mummed for there are more juicy stories about other stuff so mine was sort of forgotten. I have forgiven her already and as of today, we are now talking civilly.
Another one was just recently when I confronted a friend who gave other people malicious thoughts about me. As I mentioned in my previous blog, she said some very degrading thoughts about me and my financial status. Last Sunday morning, I got the chance to talk to her and I brought in the person she offended as well. I tried to fix their dispute but the conversation led me to talk about what I found out about the malicious talks she told people. I prayed to God days prior to Sunday and told God that He knows what really happened and who is telling the truth. Yes, I was hurt but talking to her made me think how will I react to things now that things are being unfolded? Fast forward, I was able to clear my name in front of the other person who is one of those who knew about this gossip. We’re fine and my prayers are with her still.
There are a whole lot more stories about me which would probably take a year to blog about but my only question in mind, how would I react to these things if I do not have God in me? I would have lashed out, bad mouthed and get even with these people so I can convince the crowd that I was not what they think I was. But with me hearing over and over again, with all my power and might, nothing will happen. I am pretty sure that I will end up looking more guilty of what happened which would worsen the situation. What is the best thing to do? Let go and let God work His way. If I reacted differently, I would have committed a sin against these people and my God but I don't want this to happen. Time and again, we've been hearing "forgive and forget" so we can move on but it's not just about moving on. This is the message the Scripture told us to do -- "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." [Colossians 3:13b].
I learned that God wants us to live a sinless life. Have I chosen to sin by lashing out on to these people, it would not do me any good and God will not be happy for this. With regard to the Sunday’s gospel, Jesus challenged the crowd to throw the first stone if no one has sinned at all; hence, people started walking away from the woman. Jesus’ instruction to the adulteress after what happened was, “I do not condemn you. Go and sin no more”. This is a clear showcase of God’s ultimate and unconditional love to us. If we have sinned, He will forgive us, will not condemn us after and will ask us to leave our sinful life. How wonderful to know that I serve a God like this. Never in my life that I would have this kind of encounter with our Almighty. I am a work in progress and I know God does no condemn me for being what I was. He is the God that we all want to have in our lives. A God who wants us to be victorious in every area of our lives.
Thank you Lord for being my God and I will forever be grateful to have you in my life. I will never be the same again because You changed me. You reign in me. You are my God.
In the last installment of our current series, TURNING POINT, there was a clear instruction from God to all of us - GO AND SIN NO MORE. This is a story of a woman caught in the act of adultery. It got me to think, how does it feel to be the woman being put to shame in front of a lot of people? How does the crowd react to this? How will I react to it if I were part of the crowd? I would say, it would have been a very gruesome sight and an ignominious feeling for the woman --- as if she was walking naked.
I asked myself then, were there times that I felt like people were talking about me it may be I was around or not? A LOT OF TIMES. Last year, I confessed to a dear friend that I got involved with her partner during the rocky times of their relationship. After this, she disowned me as her friend and started gossiping about me and what happened. I thought that the effect of me being open to her about what happened would lighten my offense to her but I was wrong. For months, I had to bear the "looks" and the "talks" about me but I did not care. I told myself, it'll pass and I will be vindicated. Time passed and the talks were mummed for there are more juicy stories about other stuff so mine was sort of forgotten. I have forgiven her already and as of today, we are now talking civilly.
Another one was just recently when I confronted a friend who gave other people malicious thoughts about me. As I mentioned in my previous blog, she said some very degrading thoughts about me and my financial status. Last Sunday morning, I got the chance to talk to her and I brought in the person she offended as well. I tried to fix their dispute but the conversation led me to talk about what I found out about the malicious talks she told people. I prayed to God days prior to Sunday and told God that He knows what really happened and who is telling the truth. Yes, I was hurt but talking to her made me think how will I react to things now that things are being unfolded? Fast forward, I was able to clear my name in front of the other person who is one of those who knew about this gossip. We’re fine and my prayers are with her still.
There are a whole lot more stories about me which would probably take a year to blog about but my only question in mind, how would I react to these things if I do not have God in me? I would have lashed out, bad mouthed and get even with these people so I can convince the crowd that I was not what they think I was. But with me hearing over and over again, with all my power and might, nothing will happen. I am pretty sure that I will end up looking more guilty of what happened which would worsen the situation. What is the best thing to do? Let go and let God work His way. If I reacted differently, I would have committed a sin against these people and my God but I don't want this to happen. Time and again, we've been hearing "forgive and forget" so we can move on but it's not just about moving on. This is the message the Scripture told us to do -- "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." [Colossians 3:13b].
I learned that God wants us to live a sinless life. Have I chosen to sin by lashing out on to these people, it would not do me any good and God will not be happy for this. With regard to the Sunday’s gospel, Jesus challenged the crowd to throw the first stone if no one has sinned at all; hence, people started walking away from the woman. Jesus’ instruction to the adulteress after what happened was, “I do not condemn you. Go and sin no more”. This is a clear showcase of God’s ultimate and unconditional love to us. If we have sinned, He will forgive us, will not condemn us after and will ask us to leave our sinful life. How wonderful to know that I serve a God like this. Never in my life that I would have this kind of encounter with our Almighty. I am a work in progress and I know God does no condemn me for being what I was. He is the God that we all want to have in our lives. A God who wants us to be victorious in every area of our lives.
Thank you Lord for being my God and I will forever be grateful to have you in my life. I will never be the same again because You changed me. You reign in me. You are my God.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
[Blog] A brand new ONE
What does brand new ONE give us? It gives us the opportunity to scratch the bad things that happened in the past. It gives us the opportunity to correct what went wrong the last time. It gives us an opportunity to have another chance to everything - work, love, friendship. But do we really give one more chance to people who did us wrong? We should for God forgave us and gave us another life to live in victory. GOD is The ONE and the ONLY ONE who has the ability to do this unconditionally. He just gives new grace and renewed mercy every single day of our lives.
Who are we not to give another chance to other people?
Let us live a life pleasing to God and you'd see the difference in your life.
God bless us always!!!
Who are we not to give another chance to other people?
Let us live a life pleasing to God and you'd see the difference in your life.
God bless us always!!!
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