Tuesday, August 28, 2012

[Blog] Do you hear what I hear?

Tick.Tock. Tick.Tock. Tick.Tock. Tick.Tock. 

Can you hear what I hear? It's my body clock! Well, that's what they say that is ticking. As Science says that women must be married before 35 (I'm just 3 years shy from this number) so we won't have any problem in conceiving a child. In effect, women get their hormones mixed up so as our mood and our decisions get all cranked up. But does that mean that we must hurry up and get married before we hit that dreading number? Would this mean that we must start looking around to see if there are "qualified" men for us?  In the past, I actively looked for "THE one" but ended as "THAT one". I mingled around and meet guys whom I thought was a husband material but nothing materialized. Honestly, I got tired and even made a very sharp U-turn because I failed in my search. But the question remained the same, should I look around and search for that one person?

Well, as I previously mentioned in my blog, I am a new creation and being a new one gives me a new perspective on life. I feel like even my desire to be in a relationship had also been born again --- a revivification of the desire to have my own family. As I let God do His work in me and through me, part of the things I have let Him have a control with is my personal life. Well, I did not succeed in those years of search so why not in my desire revival that I let His greatness be in move. 

I remember in Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” then came Eve. Never did it say that He created the woman first then she went gaga over looking for a partner suitable for her among the other creatures in Eden. I was not in the same field as they both were but I am sure that each one of the animals have their own partner. If God created Eve first, do you think she would get envious of these creatures and just go crazy for she is alone? 

That's my point! Why would I go crazy and be worried knowing that I am "earthly" alone - no boyfriend, no husband - SINGLE? I am not alone for God said that He will be with me to the very end of age. (Matthew 28:20) Throughout the entire Bible, there were numerous times when God said that He will be with them wherever they go and this is an assurance that they are not alone. Til the very end of age, that promise still resounds true up to this day and He remains faithful to His promise even at this present age.

With such promise and assurance of me walking this life NOT alone but is always with GOD, I shall not feel pressured to find my "soulmate". Then I put my finger on Psalms 37:4 that says: "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." While thinking of what does the verse mean, I remember Psalm 27:4 "One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." Wow! Now, it makes sense that I should enjoy my time with God while waiting for the anointed day. That one day for that one guy perfectly orchestrated by God.

Seriously, I am joyful to be single. I am happy that I have my time with God before the big day comes. My said happiness then is incomparable to the JOY that I only found in GOD. Many have failed me but God never did. Many of them said to give me a happy-ever-after moment but ended as a tragedy. It's not that I don't care whether I am gonna get married or not. Hear me please because I do care but if that takes a chunk of time off my time with God, I'd rather that I'd be single for the rest of my life. So going back to the question, should I look around and search for that one person? NO because God already has a better plan for me. Let that clock tick as loud as a deafening sound but my God is the God of time so everything is possible to Him.

God has a clean track record in regards to His faithfulness and I will only hope to The One who never will fail me. My future is in His hands and that's enough reason for me to be hopeful.

Monday, August 27, 2012

[Blog] Stiff-necked faith NO MORE

I was raised up in a way that I control things and for the most part of my life, I do things my way. Yes, I was a control freak as if it's the end of the world if I don't get things the way it should - my way! There are things that I did in the past that I am totally not proud of that I'd just want to expunge them  so I'll have a better version of me. Those are my so called the dark ages of my life. There is complete darkness in it and there was no glimpse of light there like an abyss but alas! God found me and shed light to it so I can find my way back home.
I still can remember the day I gave my life to Christ. It's so fresh in my memory that I can still taste the sweetest love I have ever received - the one He has given me. I can never forget that day for that is the start of the best part of my life. Things have changed and everything seemed to be perfectly doing fine when I started feeling the control again. One day, my best friend Joice told me that the freedom I am experiencing is not only for the sins I have committed but the freedom of being myself. I realized that this is the original blueprint of God for me and as the song goes, I was born this way but by God's grace, I am changed from glory to glory in becoming more Christ-like.
There were moments in my Christian life when there were persecution and condemnation. There were times when I get so hard to myself because I knew I failed God once again by committing a sin as simple as lying. There were even times when the animal instinct in me growls and yearns to be back in my cage. I freely look back at my past and at some point thinks of just going back there where I am free to just let go and let things out. But hey! I ain't an animal! I am wonderfully and fearfully knitted in my mother's womb. The one who is said to be made in the image and likeness of God.
Just this week, God rebuked me about my thought life. There were times when I still look at my past even if He remembers them no more. That paints a picture of someone who has a stiffed neck -- who looks back and finds it hard to put his head back on track. I kinda am like that sometimes but that sometimes-moment hurts God but He is that good that He reminded me of these verses:
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here!
Hebrews 10:17 Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”
Shocks! How can I offend God like that? I am a new creation in Christ Jesus yet I still look at the filth of my past and let myself be condemned by the enemy. I don't want that stiff-necked kind of faith that even if I believe that I am redeemed, yet I allow myself to be played on by the enemy. Just as I am writing this blog now, I was reminded of the verse in Ezekiel 36:26 ~ "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." So if God can turn the heart of stone to a heart of flesh, so can He soften and relax the stiff-necked faith I once had. I repent for offending God and I ask Him to help me in my faith walk. I ask and receive the strength that He provides for my faith to be stronger. This is not an easy walk for anyone but what I am sure of is that God will always be with me wherever I go, whatever I am going through and that's enough for me.
Freedom is one of the sweetest and most sincere gifts of God for us so let us enjoy every inch of it. Let us put our head back on track where God has set for us. Look back no more because the victory has already been won many years ago for us.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[Song] Your love liberates

Verse 1

Cords of death bound me
And shackled where I'm standing
As darkness covered over me.
I cried to heaven
And prayed O Lord deliver me
Let Your face shine upon me.


Your grace saved me
Your grace frees


Your love unprisoned me
Your love broke my chains
Your love set us free
Your love liberates

Verse 2

Lord You are gracious
You're righteous over all the earth
Praise You for Your compassion.
You saved my soul from death
And kept my feet from stumbling
Thank You for Your unfailing love

-mmp 20august2012 3:20pm

Friday, August 17, 2012

[Blog] A walk on a dry land

Last week, Metro Manila was struck by "Habagat" and it's more than twice the rainfall count of Ondoy in 2009. In effect, more families were affected, more people got sick, more homes had been wiped out by flood and more lives had been taken by this catastrophe. I personally felt and experienced Habagat's wrath - the wind was so strong, rain fell unexpectedly, traffic was so bad and the flood level cannot be anticipated as I was going home.

Nearing my place, I really don't know what to expect because I live in Marikina and the news about flood level is not good. But I was reminded of God's promise to Moses as they crossed the Red Sea. God has been telling Moses that He will be with him wherever he goes. Since he knows who his God is, he just trusted Him that He will deliver them from slavery from Egypt and that they will walk on a dry land to the promise land.

"Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground." (Exodus 14:16)

What a sight! How can 600,000 people cross from one end to another on a seabed soaked into the water for millions of years yet was referred to as "dry ground"? Only God can do that.

Yes, that was commanded by God and none after that verse say that an Israelite sunk in and that they had a hard time crossing the sea. Imagine, two gigantic water walls were up on their sides. It is both a wonderful sight to look at and a scary thing at the same time. Imagine a water wall falling on you - it speaks of death toll - but not one died.

Obedience is the key. Had they not believed and obeyed God, they would not be able to experience deliverance and reach the promise land. As for me, I was not passing the Red sea but possibly would be passing through the flood. Just few minutes before I reached my place, I saw that the street did not have any sight of water whatsoever. It was not dry because of the rain but definitely, no flood at all and I reached home safe.

Moses and I may be from different generations but we both have One God. His promise to Moses of crossing the Read sea to the promise land through a dry land - this came to pass. His promise to me of reaching home safe with no flood - figuratively on a dry land - came to pass. Truly, He is an everlasting God. He is the God of time - no beginning and no end - the alpha and the omega. His love endures forever. His faithfulness seen from age to age.

This is just one of the many promises God has for us. Let us know Him more by knowing His Word and I am sure, more praise reports shall come about.

I challenge you to write down a promise a day out of your daily devotion and see how God will move on your behalf. As said in Psalm 66:5

Come and see what God has done, 
His awesome deeds for mankind!

God has promises for us and He will fulfill them ALL in His good, pleasing and perfect time. Surprise! Surprise!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

[Blog] My socket cried "Ouch!"

 "Nina!", my Lola exclaimed. "Ninaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Still, no response.
That Nina is me. :) That's the usual scene in our house when I was younger especially when I know that my Lola will ask me to do something as if her voice fallen on deaf ears. Even when I have already grown up, we still have that same scenario and it's worse because I'm supposed to have matured that time unfortunately, I have not. A lot of times we are like this - stubborn, hard-headed (as some people may say it) but how did we become this when God said that all that He created was good?
I traced it back to the first Book of the Bible - Genesis. When everything on earth has already been created, God created man in His image and likeness. Out of dust, God breathed life to it thus he became alive. He named the man Adam and he commanded the man to tend the land. He also said that Adam is free to eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, the Lord saw that it is not good for the man to be alone so He made a suitable helper for him - then came Eve. They both knew that everything that they see is theirs in exception of that one tree. Then the infamous scene happened, they both ate from that one tree God told them not to. Had God's command fallen on deaf ears? And were they just stubborn to follow God's command? Sadly, this still happens up to this day.
Yes, you may say that you have been a Christian for a while but we remain human - flesh - and in so many cases, we fall short of His glory. We fail ourselves, we fail God. We disappoint ourselves, we disappoint God. We hurt ourselves, we hurt God. Whatever we feel - whether good or bad - God feels it. Everything we do to ourselves, we do it to God. Our battles are His battles too. Remember, we are His image and likeness.

Recently, I was in a battle - emotional battle and I know God has been speaking to me about it and was commanding to let go. I can't. I don't want to. Indeed, it was hard and I don't know anyone who can easily let go and just let God rule it -- that's why it is called a battle. There isn't a battle when there was no conflict whatsoever, right? Yeah, you may be different from me but we don't move on as quick as a snap. We become Christ-like from glory to glory. There is no such thing as instant change -- it's a process..it's a painful process but His grace is sufficient so we can endure it hence, we become victors in Christ.
I was then reminded of the story of Jacob who wrestled with God til daybreak. I felt I was in Jacob's situation during my battle. I knew what God wants me to do yet I opted not to follow Him. In the end, I felt pain for God touched "my socket" and I screamed "Ouch!" God won over me yet again and things are never the same after. Looking back, God always intervened with my emotional battles and at all times, I lost. But you know what? I still am the one victorious because had I stayed where I was, I wouldn't know that there's really the word BEST and I find Best only in God.
Proverbs 19:21 says that "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails." As we mature in our faith, let us learn to yield on God's plans for it is good. I am glad that I am now free for it is for freedom that Christ has set me free! I will stand firm and will not let myself burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

[Blog] Heart and Tongue

Tongue is incredibly hard to tame. All kinds of wild animals have been tamed but the tongue is the most difficult and problems causing organ in the human body so to speak. (The Tongue and Quotes about It www.buzzle.com)

This is true. This is the reason why we have magazine shows, talk shows and tabloids. Everyone loves gossip that's why showbiz-oriented talk shows are still alive. Let's not look too far. We love speaking to our friends, workmates, brothers and sisters and get updated on the latest news about celebrities, new tweet fights, TMZ news and other chicka-based stories. But what benefit do we get out of it? What is the fruit of these news/stories?

Just recently, some celebrities had word war in Twitter and even ended filing libel cases against each other -- all because of something that was said untrue about the other party. According to one of Washington Irving's quotes: "A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use." Either we use it wisely or unwisely, if we use our tongue often thus it gets sharpened in time. Its fruit will determine its tree for nothing good will come out from something bad (Matthew 7:18-20). The things that come out of a person's mouth comes from the heart (Matthew 15:18). What is in our hearts for these things to happen?

I was then reminded that the heart is deceitful and is beyond cure (Jeremiah 17:9) and if so, then what we say mirrors the image that is in our hearts. What we speak of is the true content of our hearts --- ALL TRASH. However, the truth has set us free and because the blood of Jesus has already washed our sins away - our sins that are like scarlet shall be as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18) - our hearts should be emptied of impurities thus Christ can now live in it.

Wow! Our hearts that was once beyond cure, deceitful where nothing good comes out of it can now accommodate Christ Jesus in it? It's like a newly cleaned up room where a very important visitor would reside in. That is such a wonderful sight! On that note, we should be reminded:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:29,31,32)

If we now have a new life in Christ and are born again in Him, we have a responsibility to fulfill. We are commanded to love one another and loving we should do. Along with this, let us be careful with whatever we are to say with one another --- not to dishearten them and crush their spirits but uplift them with kind and encouraging words. This is not an easy task to do but God's grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)

Let us intently show goodness to each other -- Forgive as we have been forgiven. Love as we are loved. Let every word we utter only reflect the God that resides in our hearts.

[Blog] The Ultimate LOVE

Love is a many splendored thing. Love is blind. Love moves in mysterious ways. Love hurts. Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love is a feeling. Love is full of mystery.

Love. Love. Love. We all want love. We all want to be loved. All we need is love. Love is all we need.

Our family is our immediate source of love by default and I guess, we have no choice. As we learn to socialize at an early age, our playmates become our source of love. When we start going to school, it becomes our second home thus our teachers and classmates become our source of love. As we get older, the people we meet along the way become our love source but truth be told, we don't really have the true experience of love.

Why do we get hurt? Why do we cry? Why is there pain in love? Why? Why? Why? This is because we have people and material stuff as our source. And I will say it once more...anything that is not founded in Christ Jesus will eventually crumble and is bound to destruction.

In life where there is too much pressure, complaints, disheartening, suffering, disappointments and heartaches, is there even a glimpse of hope? Is there really anything that can be called love? Is there LOVE at all? YES. There is hope. There is LOVE and this kind of love was pierced on the cross more than 2,000 years ago.

When the Father sent His only begotten Son, that is LOVE. When the Son obeyed what the Father commanded Him to do while on earth, that is LOVE. When the Son fulfilled the plan of the Father, that is LOVE. When the Son endured the pain as being scourged, that is LOVE. When the Son spilled His blood for our salvation, that is LOVE. When no condemnation and that we are accepted for who we are, that is LOVE. When ALL our sins have been forgiven, that is LOVE.

How dare we chase for temporal love when that kind of LOVE is available. How can we long for a love that easy gets spoiled or rotten when there's EVERLASTING LOVE?

It's true that love is in us but only God's love that is steadfast and does not change its temper. God's love is unconditional and that is the only love I know that will stand the test time. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) --- this is the the most sincere and truest kind of love.

LOVE is a decision not just a mere feeling -- something that we don't deserve, something unmerited yet freely given to us by God. That is the only love I know that will pay for our shortcomings, debts, transgressions, addictions, bondage and sins. No one can top the love that only God can give.

Now that we know what LOVE is, how then should we love? I found the answer to that and it is said:

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. (Romans 12:9-13)

Truth sets us free and now that the truth has been told about love, it's our turn to demonstrate LOVE for each other.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

[Blog] Light

"Let there be light." and there was light (Genesis 1:3) This is the beginning of creation. God saw that darkness is not good so He created light.

How important is light? It is important to students. It is important to mothers taking care of their babies. It is important to basketball players to get the ball in the hoop. It is important to people going home at night. It is important to seamstress and tailors. Bottom line, it is very essential especially in this time of age.

Back in the day, there were no LED lights, incandescent lamps, et. al. but there is already a need for light. Gas lamps and candles were once used to shed light in the darkness. But what is it really in the light that we all are in need of it? As prior mentioned, it is to shed light in the darkness so we can see through it.

Arrrgghhh... Yeah, shedding light. It strains our eyes when there's sudden light after darkness. I remember in the early 90s when there were so many instances of brownout in our area - we always look forward to the resume of electricity. And one thing that the light does is exposure. It's said: "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." (Ephesians 5:13) Then we are called the salt and the LIGHT of the world. (Matthew 5:13)

EVERYTHING will become visible. How then should we react to exposure? I don't know with others but definitely, I will be shocked, ashamed if ever I am exposed to light --- that's if I am doing something wrong. I remember a friend telling me not to do what I was doing and I felt like she was just too stiff that she couldn't bend a bit. But looking at that scene from where I am at right now, she is right. She has been the light in my path. How can she not? She has Christ and anyone who is in Christ reflects His goodness; His righteousness.

Let there be light and light we should be. Expose the wicked ways. Compromise is the enemy of greatness because it halts our growth and corrodes the real value in us. Sometimes exposing the wickedness of people could mean losing them but I'd rather lose the ones on earth than lose the love of my Only One. I'd rather be despised by everyone than displease the Heavenly One. I'd rather be unpopular among many but remain popular in the sight of my Father.

When we were in darkness, it was easy to turn a blind eye on something we know is outright wrong. Now, it may seem hard to be on the right side and even harder to stay in it but GOD's GRACE will sustain us to remain in it. When I say RIGHT it is in accordance to the standard of The One who is The ONLY Standard. Let not the world's be our gauge of what standard is because anything that is not founded in Christ will crumble and is bound to destruction.

Let us remain under His light for it is good.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

[Blog] YOU complete me

Some songs say that they found love in a hopeless place. Some says that love lifts them up where they belong. Some says that as long as they have one another it doesn't matter whether they are starving, homeless and broke. As what others say, we, as human beings, long to belong, long to be comforted, long to be encouraged, long to be loved and I myself am human --- I long to have these. Indeed, I am saved by grace and I am a new creation. I got born again when I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior but not so long ago, I thought that my needs can only be provided by one person - a partner, a lover, a boyfriend and yet another relationship.

Was there anyone in your past who never had failed you? Friends who promised to meet you at a certain time but late for 2 hours? Bosses who said will promote you yet 15 years later you are still hoping? Parents who promised this and that yet did not fulfill? Someone promised heaven yet gave hell to experience? Or a lover who promised forever yet ended in a bitter sweet note? As said in the word "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 12:13) People failed me and I must confess so did I fail them too and worse, broke their hearts. Just recently, God answered one of my prayers and that is for my friend to forgive me and to restore my relationship with her. Praise God for His faithfulness because that prayer has been answered with a YES and an AMEN. You see, people have needs but when we fail to meet them, they get hurt and we take part in this vicious cycle.

As we get older, our longing becomes intense and we actively chase after the people who we think will eventually meet our expectations. Unfortunately, we fail, we cry and chase for more wrong people. Fast forward April 2010, God has found me and I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. I know some people who have Jesus in their lives and I see the joy in their eyes because Jesus overflows in their hearts. As I grow in my faith, I learned to believe that God is in control, He reigns supreme over my situations and that He will meet ALL of my needs - nothing lacking, nothing missing. However, this walk is never easy but knowing that God's yoke is easy, life becomes less complicated.

I have met godly people along the way and all of them say that it's not what we know of God but nourishing our relationship with Him by knowing Him is more important. Confusing, ya? Yes! Confused had I been. How can I claim that I know my God yet I don't have a relationship with Him? But God wants to have a relationship with me so He brought me to my spiritual family who has helped me with my walk through meeting together, reading and studying the word together and sharing lives together. With all these, I get to know my God more and more each day. The mentors I have met really helped me deepen my faith and ultimately, God lead and guided me as I walk to know more of Him.

Two Sundays ago, we started with a new series called "That Thing You Do" and it focuses on Spiritual Disciplines and one of them is THE BIBLE. Truly, The Word is God-breathed and was given for us because God wants to deepen our relationship with Him by knowing Him. Through reading His word, His promises to me has been revealed one by one and had me experience His faithfulness that NONE of His promises did nor will fail. Today, the rain has not stopped yet and places around Metro Manila are still flooded. Encouragement and help here and there are just overflowing but one verse really brought peace to my heart and it says:

When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
- Isaiah 43:2

WOW! What a great God He is! The Mighty God said "I WILL BE WITH YOU". That is very encouraging that nothing can put me down because my God has my back. Then I remembered His promises. He said in the Bible that He will be with me until the end of age (Matthew 28:20). He also said that He is for us and will not forsake us (Psalms 37:28). He also said that He will go before us (Deuteronomy 31:8). He also said that He is with us (Matthew 1:23). He also said that He will never harm us (Jeremiah 29:11).  Lastly, HIS love endures forever - He is faithful from age to age (1 Chronicles 16:34, 41; 2 Chronicles 20:21, Psalms 100:5, 106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 118:29, 136:1, 136:26). With all these, I am encouraged and in faith that there is hope in God - that there is deliverance in Him that I can cling only onto Him who is with me.

I only have one hope that we all will anchor our dreams, our desires, our prayers and our hope to this GOD I know of. Everyone longs to belong, longs to be comforted, longs to be encouraged, longs to be loved and only GOD can put an end to our longing. HE is YAHWEH - HE is everything that we ask HIM to be. All we have to do is repent, come to Him and accept Him as our Lord and Savior and truly we can all say that "HE completes me."

Monday, August 6, 2012

[Blog] Be thankful in all circumstances

Yesterday at exactly 3pm, I clocked out, went out of the office for the sight outside is not promising a good weather. It's been two days and the clouds are not empty of rain yet and man, it's been pouring down so hard! Officially, monsoon season has started and as I got out of the office, all I was thinking was going home. Though I was not dry and warm, I am thankful that I am finally in my crib. I was then reminded of a tweet of I-forgot-who saying that life is not just about the journey, it is also about safely reaching our destination so I just enjoyed the travel anticipating my time in my bed. As I was nearing our place, God just showed how candid He can be to His kids and candid had He been to me assuring that He will take care of me til I reach home.

Even if the rain was pouring so hard, there are so many things that I am thankful for that day. Podium gave plastic umbrella jacket for our convenience. I got to ride a bus that went up the flyover and reached Cubao like a flash. I got to buy 6 nice buttons for my pants. I got to ride a jeep that went ahead even before it got filled up. There was not much of traffic on my way home. Finally, there's no flood in our place. Thank You, Jesus! Realizing these I said to myself, these are good reasons to praise God and thank Him despite of the heavy rain.

I remember the word in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ~ "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." --- IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES it said but what I experienced yesterday was just a few of the good things that is already in me. Knowing that we are victors in Christ Jesus, there are yet to say of thanks about this life. Hmmmm... That verse is a good kick off so I checked the Bible to see what are the other verses that says about thanksgiving. I used the Bible I have on my phone and when I was going through the verses I was thinking if I don't get to move on from one to another. To my surprise, those are different verses but are saying one thing --- "Give thanks to the Lord; His love endures forever." (1 Chronicles 16:34, 41; 2 Chronicles 20:21, Psalms 100:5, 106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 118:29, 136:1, 136:26). I checked on Google to see on the verses where thanksgiving is mentioned and I found a lot as well (http://tinyurl.com/dx4v9rt). Wow! That was overwhelming! All these verses talked about two things - Give thanks to God and God's love endures forever!

This made me think... have I been thankful to God in everything that He has given me? Is my thanksgiving  enough to say that His Name is exalted high? Have I been a blessing to other people that in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES I am thankful to God?  Today, it is still raining and areas are heavily flooded due to this but am I thankful? Yes. I am thankful that my dad lead me to the right direction. I am thankful that the FX driver brought me to the FX terminal for free. I am thankful that there was no traffic. I am thankful that the rain is lighter than last night's. I am thankful that my cluster mates and our trainer are all safe. I am thankful that none of my friends have reported of any harm in their family neither of themselves. I am thankful that I am safe inside our office. I am thankful for having access to the internet to finish this blog. *wink* And most of all, I am thankful that my God has been with me the whole time. He is never far from me nor in a distance for He promised that He will be with me until the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

How about you...what are you thankful to God for?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

[Song] Reign

Reign by Marina Martha Pia


Verse 1 

(Prov 19:21)
Many are the plans in my heart 
But Your purpose still prevails 
(Is 55:8) 
Your ways are not my ways 
Nor my thoughts the same as Yours 

Pre-chorus 1 

(Ps 46:10a) 
I'll wait, be still 
For Your command 


I'm letting go 
I'm letting You control 
The story of my life 
I'm letting go 
I'm letting You O Lord 
To reign, dominion 

Verse 2 

(Prov 16:9) 
In my heart I plan my course 
But You keep the ground I walk 
(Prov 16:3) 
I commit my all to You 
For You make my dreams come true 

Pre-chorus 2 

(Jer 29:12) 
I'll call Your Name 
And listen 

- mmp 01august2012 8:04pm