Steve Jobs said this as he ended his speech in his 2005 Stanford University Commencement address. He said, "stay hungry, stay foolish." I thought of it as some kind of another American idiom but as I was thinking what was the real meaning of it, came a realization.
For me, the essence of everything he said in his speech was that we must not settle to just what we have but to keep looking til we find what is it that we love doing. However, he did not say to slack around and hop from one thing to another. What he wants to say is that we must keep propelling ourselves to soar greater heights. At the end of the day, what matters is that we love what we're doing for out of it is something wonderful after all. Then what is it about staying hungry and foolish to make us successful?
Have you ever felt hunger in your life? Or have you ever done something you consider as foolish? Well, I believe I have in so many points in my life. I have gone hungry and foolish literally but had some moments when it has also been an idiom to me. What really is it that we must go hunger and foolish about? Will it be worth it if we will be one? Stop. Before you even think of its disconnect, let's dig on to its possibility and impact to our lives.
Hunger is not always related to food. It could be for love, relationship, knowledge or even power. As flesh, our hunger for something is insatiable. Why did I say so? It is because if we're satisfied, we won't ask for more in another time. Having hunger for something new is normal to human beings. We did not stop at creating bicyles to travel the vast land but came up with airplanes to travel across the seas. We had that hunger then we create something beautiful out of it.
Have you made yourself look foolish in front of other people? How would you know that you looked like one? People tell us so we know we have been a fool. Again, influence played an important part in making us realize what kind of a fool we have become but that only because of people telling us that we are. On the hind sight, we believe that we are just doing good or even awesome until the world stops us because they think we are just not making sense at all.
I remember, people thought that it is impossible to land on the moon. It was kind of hard to understand specially with the technology back then. But out of foolishness of one's mind and the hunger to get that feel of stepping on the moon had Apollo 11 realizing all these things. Did Steve Jobs stop from being a college drop out and just bum around? If he did then the world wouldn't have the technology that our generation has. His story of ups and downs clearly showed how he hurddled the obstacles of his own life. Mark Zuckerberg did not stop til his brainchild - Facebook - is finally realized. The four corners of his classroom did not limit him with what he can have. Hence, he dreamt bigger.
Bottomline, we must be better than what we were yesterday. We must outwit ourselves after another good output. We must yearn for excellence for we worship God in everything that we put our hands on to. This blog speaks to me and convicts me at the same time. I may have done a lot of foolish and shameful things in the past but these must not stop me from standing up to pick up the pieces of my life again. I have been broken but He molds me like a potter's hand to make me whole once more. I may have not been excellent in so many things but our God deserves nothing but excellence so I will be.
Be God-conscious all the time, in everything that we do. All for His glory!
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